Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Things we may have to now pay tax for.......

This list outlines some -- but not all -- goods and services that are taxed under GST but not under PST. - Energy, including electricity, diesel oil, home heating oil, liquid petroleum gases, natural gas, motor gasoline, coal, and fuel wood - Books, newspapers and magazines sold by subscription - Children's car seats and booster seats - Children's clothing - Feminine hygiene products - Footwear costing $30 or less - Prepared foods sold for $4 or less - Audio books purchased by persons who are legally blind - New homes (although RST is levied on building supplies) - Personal services, including dry cleaning, barber and hairstylist services, manicures and pedicures - Professional services, including legal and accounting services, architectural, engineering and scientific services - Rentals of commercial property - Real estate commissions - Membership fees -- e.g., athletic gym memberships - Taxi and limousine fares - Admissions to live theatres - Admissions under $4

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